副手 电影海报

副手 Second Fiddle


喜剧 · 歌舞

  Jimmy Sutton, tricky publicist for Consolidated Pictures, fetches teacher Trudi Hovland from snowy Minnesota to sunny Hollywood to test for the film of the best-seller "Girl of the North" - having come 436th in a competition several years earlier she is now next choice as leading lady. She gets the part, but despite his own growing attraction for her Jimmy deviously manufacture...

明星 索尼亚·海妮 Sonja Henie / 泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power / 鲁迪·瓦利 Rudy Vallee

导演 西德尼·兰菲尔德 Sidney Lanfield

编剧 哈利·图根德 Harry Tugend

制片地 美国
