
我生命中最美丽的世纪 电影海报

我生命中最美丽的世纪 Il più bel secolo della mia vita



  In our country there is a law, still in force and unique in Europe, which prohibits children not recognized at birth, from becoming aware of the identity of their natural parents unless they have turned 100 years old. The comedy tells the story of the meeting between Giovanni and Gustavo, respectively 34 and 99 years old, and their funny journey in search of their origins.

明星 赛尔乔·卡斯特利托 Sergio Castellitto / Valerio Lundini / 卡拉·西格诺里斯 Carla Signoris

导演 亚历山德罗·巴尔达尼 Alessandro Bardani

编剧 亚历山德罗·巴尔达尼 Alessandro Bardani / 莱昂纳多·法索利 Leonardo Fasoli / Maddalena Ravagli

制片地 意大利

又名 The Best Century of My Life / 百年之约