桃花泣血 电影海报

桃花泣血 The Killer That Stalked New York

1950· 5.7分

剧情 · 惊悚 · 黑色电影

  Sheila Bennet returns to New York from Cuba carrying $40,000 worth of smuggled diamonds - and smallpox, which could start a devastating epidemic in the unprotected city. Treasury agent Johnson loses her but keeps doggedly on the trail, while Public Health Doctor Wood searches in vain for the unknown person spreading the deadly disease far and wide. Meanwhile, the increasingly i...

明星 伊夫林·凯耶斯 Evelyn Keyes / 查尔斯·科尔温 Charles Korvin / William Bishop William Bishop

导演 厄尔·麦克沃伊 Earl McEvoy

编剧 哈里·埃塞克斯 Harry Essex

制片地 美国

又名 潜藏纽约的杀手