塞维利亚 电影海报

塞维利亚 Sevillanas

1992· 8.6分


  Filmed like a documentary, "Sevillanas" consists of eleven short performances by Spain's most famous flamenco dancers, singers and guitarists. Saura, well-known for his flamenco films ("Blood Wedding," "Carmen"), here provides an in-depth look at the Sevillanas form of flamenco and its dancers.

明星 罗拉·福洛雷斯 Lola Flores / 帕科·德·卢西亚 Paco de Lucía / Tomatito Tomatito

导演 卡洛斯·绍拉 Carlos Saura

编剧 卡洛斯·绍拉 Carlos Saura

制片地 西班牙
