邪恶礼物 电影海报

邪恶礼物 The Wicked Gift


悬疑 · 惊悚 · 恐怖

  Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmare...

明星 卡特莉娜·科尔钦斯卡 Kateryna Korchynska / 迈克尔·西格尔 Michael Segal

导演 Roberto D'Antona

编剧 Roberto D'Antona

制片地 意大利
