茶煲表哥 第二季 电影海报

茶煲表哥 第二季 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Season 2

1991· 9.2分


  When Will, an inner-city teenager from Philly is sent by his mother to live with his relatives (the Banks') in Bel-Air, everybody is in for a surprise. It is funny how influence can go both ways... Written by Steve Richer {[email protected]}

明星 威尔·史密斯 Will Smith / 阿方索·李贝罗 Alfonso Ribeiro / 塔缇娜·阿里 Tatyana Ali

导演 安迪·包洛维兹 Andy Borowitz

编剧 班尼·梅帝纳 Benny Medina / 安迪·包洛维兹 Andy Borowitz / Winifred Hervey Winifred Hervey

制片地 美国

又名 新鲜王子妙事多