死亡地带2047 电影海报

死亡地带2047 2047 - Sights of Death

2014· 2.9分


  The year is 2047. Our planet is ruled by the repressive Confederate Central Government (CCG). Ryan is a Green War rebel agent sent on a mission by Sponge (Danny Glover) to collect evidence against the CCG for its heinous crimes. Ryan soon faces the sinister Colonel Asimov, Major Anderson and a group of mercenaries lead by Lobo. Ryan's mission quickly turns chaotic when he meets...

明星 鲁格·豪尔 Rutger Hauer / 达丽尔·汉纳 Daryl Hannah / 丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover

导演 亚历山大·卡彭 Alessandro Capone

编剧 Tommaso Agnese Tommaso Agnese

制片地 意大利

又名 Death Squad