欲望 电影海报

欲望 Désiré

1937· 6.8分


  Shavian social satire. Odette is an actress who's now the mistress of a government minister. Her household of cook, maid, and chauffeur needs a valet. On the eve of going with the minister to Deauville, she engages Désiré, a robust and talkative man, even through his most recent employer, a countess, intimates improprieties. Things go well for a short time: the wealthy talk abo...

明星 萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry / 雅克琳·德吕巴克 Jacqueline Delubac / 波利娜·卡尔东 Pauline Carton

导演 萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry

编剧 萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry

制片地 法国
