守夜者的观点 电影海报

守夜者的观点 Z punktu widzenia nocnego portiera

1979· 7.6分

纪录片 · 短片

  At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view. He tells that he is not afraid of bandits or gangs; on the contrary he gets a kick out armed conflicts. To get a start in his new duty, he shops for a watchdog; and he buys an untrain...


导演 克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基 Krzysztof Kieślowski

编剧 克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基 Krzysztof Kieślowski

制片地 波兰

又名 From a Night Porter's Point of View